Capacity Strengthening of Communities.
The essence of our CLE work is to safeguard social, economic and environmental rights by equipping communities with the necessary skills and tools to demand their rights and seek recourse, remedy and redress.
Our Legal Practice Areas
Car Accident
Quis autem velo eum iure suam nihil molestiae
Business Law
Quis autem velo eum iure suam nihil molestiae
Criminal Law
Quis autem velo eum iure suam nihil molestiae
Child Support
Quis autem velo eum iure suam nihil molestiae
Personal Injury
Quis autem velo eum iure suam nihil molestiae
Education Law
Quis autem velo eum iure suam nihil molestiae
Divorce Law
Quis autem velo eum iure suam nihil molestiae
Tax Law
Quis autem velo eum iure suam nihil molestiae
Build local Capacity for Public Interest Litigation.
Creating the sustainable conditions for access to culturally and legally competent public interest litigators for the lifetime of large-scale infrastructure projects.
Strategic Litigation.
Litigation is an important part of our CLE process. We use litigation strategically to create policy changing precedents as well as to bolster other alternative dispute resolution measures. The power of legal precedents ensures that there is greater impact as other communities similarly affected are likely to receive similar relief with much less resource investment.